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The Warrior Journey Course

Soul Direction in collaboration with Angelic Soul Healing presents

Stressed Woman

Are you feeling like you are stuck, living a mediocre life - the same routine day in day out... existing rather than actually LIVING!


The Warrior Journey is a series of 7 workshops designed to help you create a shift for yourself and the way you operate in your every day.


You will learn tools that will help you feel empowered so you can become a warrior in your own life.


You will explore the qualities of a warrior, your own values and what is important to you.


The course teaches you how to be kinder to yourself and others and how to stop listening to limiting thoughts and negative belief patterns. 


You get to discover some of your ancestral patterns and learn about your relationship to your body.


The course teaches you many practical tools, but the real shift lies in the change of consciousness you make, and therefore your behaviour and reality.

What Is The Warrior Journey Course?

The Warrior Journey is NOT YOUR AVERAGE COURSE!!  

It is a 7 week course with no generic content or replays as it is done LIVE via Zoom or in person and is almost a bit like group therapy at times.


It taught over 8 weeks with a week break in between week 4 and 5 for deep reflection and 1:1 coaching. 


Each session is 2-2.5 hours long and is not just a practical series of tools, each session creates a total shift in consciousness. 


It is VERY EXCLUSIVE - there are only ever 6 participants per course so you get 1:1 follow up and coaching throughout the course and ongoing thereafter as well as LIFETIME access to all the resources. 


You also have an accountability partner via the Buddy system so you have someone to keep you on track to ensure results.


Join the Facebook Group here to get a FREE Taster Course which teaches you some of the key concepts and tools from the course. 

Warrior Testimonials

Upcoming Course Dates



Tuesdays 7.30pm - 9pm UK time 

Sept 6th - Oct 25th

Facilitator - Lakhmi Bhambra


Sunday August 14th - September 25th

IN PERSON - Auckland, NZ

Facilitator - Caroline Panesar



More dates added regularly - check back for updates or join the Facebook Group for more information


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